Excellent Expository Essay Topics For University Students

The main point of an expository essay is to expose something about your topic. There are several ways that you can learn about the inner workings of the topic that you are writing the paper on which include interviewing people, conducting research, and making observations. You will want to choose a topic that you find interesting to conduct this study on. For example, maybe you want to write an expository essay on your local church. You can interview people that work at the church or patrons of the church. You can also make observations by going to a mass. You can learn about the church through research as well. You will write your paper in a way that exposes the church or explains the church to your audience. They should feel like they went to mass with you or met the pastor with you. They should be able to visualize the beautiful stain glass window that sits above the choir on the balcony. Give them an inside look.

You want to choose a topic that you can really teach your audience about. You want to choose a topic that people know nothing or only know a little about now. Here are some interesting ideas to consider.

  1. School club or event that not too many people know about

  2. History of an old cemetery or a building that was converted to something else

  3. Meeting with a famous person or someone that not too many people have been able to meet

  4. Government program that everybody is confused about

  5. History of an important person in society with a humble beginning

  6. Life for a high school drop out

  7. Life of a deep sea diver

  8. Confessions of a cab driver or a bartender

  9. Living with autism

  10. Living with ADHD

You want to become like an expert in the area so that you can write a paper that really gives an inside look. For example, if you don’t have ADHD yourself, interview someone who does and tell your reader how they think. Talk to your reader about how they feel and how they control their emotions. Get inside of their head. You want to expose the real truth about your topic. Paint a picture with your words. Tell your reader what you see and what you heard and how you understand the topic.
