Science And Religion

Science and religion and their relationship have been studying subjects for a long time. This is mainly since the philosophers, and the theologians, as well as the scientists, started addressing the Classical antiquity. There are several as well as different and varying perspectives from all these groups. Also, apart from these groups, there are also others that have a say on the relationship between the two subjects. Today, students in secondary schools can argue about the relationships, comparing the similarities and also the differences. If you listen to experts debating the issue, then you can be aware and sure that the two are two very wide subjects and explore them completely or entirely is very difficult. While scientific principles and knowledge acknowledge the empiricism, the reason as well as the evidence, religion, on the other hand, includes things such as faith, sacredness and also revelations. The two are thus major issues and subjects in the society even today, and their complexity changes over time. Neither science nor religion is static. At the same time, none is timeless or unchanging. Across both languages and culture, the two have undergone several changes in history.

A comparison of Science and Religion

Scientific revolutions in the ancient times were mainly initiated and organized by religious traditions. Some of the scientific methods were initiated, pioneered and organized by ancient Christian, pagan or Islamic scholars. This indicates a clear link between the two subjects. Hinduism, for example, embraced empiricism as well as reason and also believing that science comprises of and brings knowledge that is incomplete to people about the world. Today, most people in the Buddhism community their beliefs and Science are both complementary. However, even with these types of relationships, some scholars have indicated that the differences in both science and religion are so huge that the two can never agree either politically, factually or even methodologically through history. At the same time, different scientists, theologians as well as philosophers have seen independence in the two disciplines. However, others see and consider the two as compatible and dependent on each other. Different individuals not in these groups also view the issues differently, some considering science and religion as complementary while others consider them incompatible and not related in any way.

Effects of Differences between Science and Religion

The acceptance of scientific facts, as well as methodologies, is affected by the religious stand and beliefs of the citizens. For example, several people in the United States dispute and are in disagreement with Evolution by Natural Selection.
