Designing Living And Community Spaces For The Future

What are living and community spaces?

A living space can be taken to mean the area in which a person dwells in or it can mean the space a nation seeks to cater to their expanding population. As such it caters to the needs of an individual.

Community spaces on the other hand are public areas which everyone can access, and so it can be taken to be roads, parks and even beaches.

Who designs them?

There are several occupations involved in designing these spaces. Architects, town planners, interior designers are just a few examples of the people involved in not only creating but beautifying our surroundings.

How designs are affected by people

The designs of living spaces are dictated by several things. How much space is available, the equipment and funds that are available for the job and the trends of the time.

Peoples taste and by extension the trends in architectural designs will change and develop over time. One thing that is clear though is that the future designs of living and community spaces will be greatly affected by technology.

In today’s society, technological advancements are having a huge impact on the way people perceive their surroundings and this will, no doubt, increase in the future. They want their surroundings to move faster, be more responsive and very sharp, colorful and graphic. Robotics technology has already made strides in its development and this is likely to play a huge part in the designs of the future.

Despite the innovation which is taking place in the areas involved in the design of living spaces there will be some key aspects which will remain the same. Human needs will always be the same though the ways to satisfy them may develop. People will look for living spaces which provide comfort, allowing them to relax and provide protection from nature. Children will always need to be entertained, while adults will look for beauty and convenience and this will affect the community space designs.

Principles for designing

An effective use of living and community spaces will not always be simple or easy. There will be a significant amount of planning involved, and plenty of resources used. A key principle to creating a community and living space is to combine needs and wants. Take a step back and observe the space you are aiming to work. Look at the people and how they are utilizing their surroundings, this will help you to design a successful area with all the essential components.

Designing the landscapes in the future is a process requiring thought, planning and observation. The designs will always develop and require tweaking, as the habits of the people around them change.
